
Maintenance Orientation

This orientation contains important information to help our residents understand the key aspects of the maintenance process.

Please see your Maintenance Orientation Packet for a detailed view of your responsibilities as a Hudson Homes resident.  

How to Place a Maintenance Request

Regular priority home maintenance requests should be placed by logging into your Resident Portal and following the instructions provided. You must use the form in your portal to create a maintenance request for non-emergency items.

An emergency maintenance issue is one that is dangerous, hazardous, or could cause damage to the property or your personal wellbeing without immediate attention. If there is a life-threatening event, please call 911 immediately, then contact your maintenance provider. See this resource for Maintenance Emergency information.

Please do not place multiple requests for the same maintenance issue. This slows our teams and processes down and prevents us from being able to quickly help you. Once you've placed a request online, if you still have maintenance-related questions, please call the phone number listed in your resident portal to reach your maintenance team.

Ticket Timeline Expectations

Regular Priority Requests

    • Acknowledgement: Returned phone call, email, or text within 2 business days.
    • Work Resolved: 10 to 14 days, subject to availability and/or market conditions.

Emergency Requests

    • Acknowledgement: Returned phone call, email or text within 1 business day.
    • Work Resolved: 3-5 business days, unless otherwise required by law or subject to availability and/or market conditions.

Sometimes our maintenance vendors experience delays for various market conditions outside of HHM’s control. For example, maintenance requests during extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, storm clean-ups and/or industry-wide material shortages may take longer than expected. We appreciate your patience.

If you have already placed a maintenance request and have questions, please dial the number listed in your Resident Portal to directly reach your maintenance team.

Additional Resident Resources

You can reference Resources for answers to frequently asked questions. Browse the resources library by category, topic, or keyword.

Additionally, we've curated an assortment of How-To Videos to provide further instructions.

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